Saturday, 17 April 2010

Cats out of many bags!...Where is our cat...?

Health unions fear losing old foeSay Nimal
most suited than any to hold health portfolio

by Dilanthi Jayamanne

Several health sector trade unions which have long been at loggerheads with former Health Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva now claim that he is more suited for the job than most other former ministers.

When contacted by The Island, President of the Public Service United Nurses Union Ven. Muruttetuwe Ananda Thero said that they had no issues with him being reappointed.
"It would make no difference to us as we would continue with our work while he can continue in his capacity as Health Minister," he said. But the Ven Thero predicted a change. "We have information to that effect," he said.

The President of the Sri Lanka Association of Government Medical Laboratory Technologists, Ravi Kumudesh, was of the view that changing the Minister would be unhealthy for the Ministry. "The change would only increase the issues. De Silva had his plus and minus points as Health Minister. He lacks diplomacy when dealing with trade unions and that was the main reason why trade unions disliked him. But on the other hand he was impartial to all trade unions and treats them alike," Kumudesh said.

A Health Minister should be able to take straight forward decisions for the good of the public, especially on issues which had been mishandled. The former Minister had the potential to do so. As Minister he did a lot to increase the human resources in the health sector through recruitments and education for nurses, and other allied health sciences (mainly by commencing the controversial degree programme for Allied Health Sciences). A regulatory Act was brought in for Private Health Institutions and several other health policies were also introduced or were on the verge of being introduced by him, Kumudesh said. However if the post changes hands the next person to take up the portfolio should be someone who would not just pander to the unions in hope of gaining popularity but should be someone who is able to take up the responsibility, challenge and work for the public, he said.

President of the Government Nursing Officers’ Association, Saman Ratnapriya reiterated that if there was to be a complete change in the Cabinet it would be good. But, he pointed out that one outstanding plus point in favour of the former Health Minister was that he was unbiased and never favoured any of the health trade unions. He also had thorough experience and knowledge in handling the Health Ministry. So, who ever gets appointed would have to have the same degree of experience and knowledge to assume duties like de Silva, he said.

However, President of the All Ceylon Health Workers Union, Gamini Kumarasinghe held a different view. He accused de Silva being the cause of the deterioration in the free health sector. "Being at the helm, he lacked the skills of administration to carry out his duties as Health Minister. He was not even able to handle health workers at grass root level".

He blamed De Silva for not being able to implement the Senaka Bibile drug policy and several patients losing their lives due to deficiencies in the Health sector.

"But unfortunately we don’t believe that there is a single person in the government who can take on the responsibilities of being the next Health Minister," he opined.

The Government Medical Officers Association could not be contacted for comment.


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