Saturday, 6 February 2010

Another election result!

We were waiting patiently till the election fever go down to inform you about a special election result. We were a bit reluctant to reveal it during the election itself because of the fear of getting tagged ourselves as a group with political motives.

This is the news of Dr.Senarathne of the NHSL who was identified by himself as a strong UNP supporter eventually supported General Sarath Fonseka, publically. Even many weeks before this public appearance he was brave enough to go from ward to ward asking the support of the workers. The people who know him well know that during the times when elections are not there he had significant relationships with Minister and his officials.

Some body may say “Let him have his politics. That cannot be an obstacle to his professional /trade union life!”

Let me educate you on this matter.
Dr.Senarathne who is much better known as “Welfare Senarathne” was closer to a politician than to a professional. Many, who have worked at national hospital, may agree with us.
It was widely accepted even among his rivals that he is a person with some organizing capacity. But the way how he led the NHSL GMOA branch union and the welfare association was quite questionable. We do not wish to discuss his personal behavior or the allegations which have been leveled against him regarding financial misappropriations.
But most importantly when he was in power at the branch union or the welfare at NHSL his anti GMO behavior was quite evident.

1. The main problem was his mere presence made the GMOA vulnerable to spying. Even the security of the people who expressed their views at the meeting also was at threat. Basically the GMOA General committee became an unsafe place.
As time goes the GMOA learned to take the benefit of his presence to send information to political circles. When some crucial thing (usually the opposite of the real intention of the GMOA) was discussed at a forum where he was present the information leaked to the higher political circles without any difficulty and they got wrong information about GMOA strategies.

2. Secondly He never facilitated trade union actions at the National hospital at times when he was the branch secretary. He did not believe on individual responsibility of implementing collective decisions.

3. The biggest damage done by him to the profession was done quite recently, that was when the issue of internship came up,
He took the lead in misleading the juniors who are new to the system.
He facilitated the split between the junior batch and rest of the profession on this matter which he should never have done as a senior.
With the help of his beloved friend Bellana, he took the junior batch on a ride while the enemies of the profession were laughing at us.
Something which should never happen happened.
The GMOA went on a strike against its own members (even they are misled) although it was shown as a protest against the ministry.
The headless junior batch issued a press release which was prepared with the inputs of by Dr.Senarathne and faxed to the media with the blessing of the Minister.
This was a black mark in the history of the GMOA.
People started asking whether the GMOA is split.
4. He was a main barrier for the formation of an opposition against the present ex co.
Since the present Ex Co always had the benefit of showing the membership the known devil, which made members to vote the present Ex Co in order to defeat Senarathne.
Dr. Senarathne at last found where he should be!!!!!!!!!!
He has joined the politicians and will not return back to mislead the juniors.
A profession has got another chance to make a new set of leaders devoid of scars and having the capacity to play the role of a strong opposition to the present Ex Co.
Let’s get together and wish Dr.Senarathne of National Hospital “all the best in his new carrier as a politician”


This discussion is open for your criticisms!

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