Dear All,
This is just to point out a different opinion about the above statement. (We hope members of a professional organization should have equal opportunities to express their views)
Even the situation is not pleasing, at all the times we should be bear the fact that we have got a reputation for us to defend. If I am to clarify, the medical profession gained this reputation, throughout the years because of a dedicated set of doctors who served the mankind. Hence there is a way how the public looks at a doctor. Not even his medications and the things included in the doctor patient relationship, but the way he dresses up and the way he behaves also matters. Hence a doctor should behave in an “acceptable” manner at all the times.
You may have seen bad behavior of doctors at times attracting the attention of the media and making the headlines in NEWS. That is because the doctors still have got a reputation to protect. Hence the majority of the members may not agree with the above statement.
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